Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Forgiving Those Who Trespass Against You

Recently I felt I was wronged by some people close to me. I was shocked by how I was treated and couldn't even find the words to defend myself. I just left the situation and never turned back. 

I have spent the last few weeks dreaming about the things that I could say to "get back at them" and defend myself. I have spent hours rehearsing the things in my head with hopes that one day I will barge in on a cloud (or a horse, or something cool and worthy of this awesome entrance) and they will apologize profusely for the way they treated me.

Well, I have realized that an apology will most likely never surface and nothing good would come from me parading around demanding respect.

A few weeks ago I started listening to: "For All Eternity" by Dr. John Lund, we got it as a wedding gift and it truly has been an inspiration!

It is meant for husband and wife but has been giving me direction on how to overcome these resentful feelings I have harbored lately. The last talk is focused solely on forgiveness and has truly opened my eyes to the importance of forgiving those who have trespassed against me. We have been taught over and over again that it is our duty to forgive:

I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men. D&C 18:10

Dr. Lund tells a true story of a women who was kidnapped, rapped, stabbed and then shot at in hopes to kill her, but only took out her eyes which made her blind. Her husband then left her unable to accept that she was violated. The man was caught but only served 7 years in prison and then was released.  She spoke at a school where a kid asked her how she was able to go on knowing that he was free. She responded "I will not give this man my todays or tomorrows".

How many of us our giving those who have wronged us our todays and tomorrows? How many of us are wasting our time thinking about what we are going to say that might make us feel better?

For, if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you; 3 Ne 13:14

More importantly who wants to receive forgiveness? Who is in need for forgiveness right now for their trespasses? I know I am and I know that if I cannot forgive others I myself will never receive the forgiveness I need. 

So I vow today that I will not give these people my todays or tomorrows. Today I will forgive and tomorrow I will live to enjoy my life without a dark cloud hanging over me. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job Bree! I have felt that way from time to time but I think it has gotten worse since becoming pregnant. Sometimes I know I'm being ridiculous about how mad I am about a certain situation but I just can't help it! Forgiving and moving on is def the best choice, although much harder said than done.

    Anyways, what a great example you are to me! xoxo
