Sunday, January 20, 2013

Patience Is A Virtue

My Saturday routines have turned into sleeping in, making breakfast and then watching you tube videos of past Ironman Championships right before my long runs. One thing stuck out to me in an interview with Chris McCormack was when he said that it takes “patience” to be an Ironman.

I remember exactly where I was sitting in my seventh grade class when my teacher said to me specifically when I was wanting something right then, "patience is a virtue". It pierced my soul but I never really embraced it like I should've.

This word has never been used to describe me, unless one was saying that I was/am “not” patient. I am impulsive, quick to decide/change my mind, aggressive, etc. That’s why I really love to do sprint triathlons, I love last minute plans, I love making best friends with people after first meeting them, and I love setting up a date right away with a guy I am interested in. I hate waiting.

But I am beginning to understand that learning to wait is a quality worth fostering.

While running on the treadmill for 10 miles yesterday, yes I did ten miles! I thought about patience and the amount of patience I am going to have to have with my body, and my life as I continue on this journey towards becoming an Ironman. It takes patience to go on such long runs, especially while looking at the bright red numbers flashing at you telling you are only ¼ a way through the fight.  It takes patience with your body when it’s telling you to slow down, or take a rest. It takes patience in the morning when you want to scream at your 5 am alarm clock.

This year I want develop patience as a virtue, not just patience in becoming an Ironman but patience in dating, patience in the work place, and patience with the people around me. I feel that the quality of patience can alter ones life, and I hope that it will begin to alter my life in a more positive way.

What type of things do you need to practice more patience?


  1. Patience is a tough one. I think for me I need to work on patience with my body. I'm not training for anything spectacular :) but I AM trying to get my body back to how it was even before I met Steven. And so far it's been a lot of huge disappointments and litlte victories because I feel like I'm doing as much as I can while still being a mom and all the other things that I do... but I need to remember that being HEALTHY takes lots of time. Good post, Bree. Love ya

    1. I love that you and whit are the ones that always comment on my blog! It makes me feel so good ;)

  2. First off, 10 MILES?!?! Holy cow. That is awesome. Second.. Patience, ahh how are you my enemy? ;) No, only sometimes. The more I practice prayer, the more patient I am. The more positive I am, the more patient I am. Those are my two suggestions. :) Keep up the hard work!!!

    1. I love that you and brooke are the ones that always comment on my blog! It makes me feel so good ;)
